Tracy Prentice
Master's in Health Information Management and Bachelor's Degree in Psychology
About Tracy
Tracy is committed to empowering individuals to be their very best selves. From a place of honesty, openness and connection, Tracy gives individuals the space to be truly seen, heard and understood. This supports individuals to feel more confident, appreciate their value and grow from challenges.
Wes Wade: USA Only
PhD in Candidate, ELPHD, Counseling & Counselor Education, MA in Career Counseling and MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
About Wes
Wesley has a background in business, higher education, mental health, and substance use work. While working as a career coach at a land grant university in the U.S., Wesley co-created and led a career-focused program for autistic students, led 3 statewide career summits for autistic students, and served on planning committees for state-government programs offering paid internships for autistic college students. Wesley is a trained coach, a licensed clinical mental health counselor, a licensed clinical addictions specialist, and a Ph.D. candidate at NC State University in Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development with a concentration in Counseling and Counselor Education.
Zoe Farmer
About Zoe
Zoe joined Genius Within as a career coach and case manager in our employability team in 2018 after working in administration since leaving school. She is currently studying for her degree in psychology and her level 5 professional workplace coaching.
Zoe has lived experience of being unemployed, of masking, of having to pretend she was someone she wasn’t. She understands at a personal level the experience of marginalisation and exclusion. In her own journey, as a single mother in a mixed-race family, she has learned to share with her clients her understanding of how we get misunderstood and how to walk the talk.