What is the Innovation and Ideas Award for?
This category is for engineers, researchers, creators, and deep thinkers. We decided to combine the Assistive Tech and Research categories under one umbrella for 2024 and widened the definition to incorporate all kinds of innovation, something that the neurodivergent community is excellent at!
start thinking now about who to nominate in 2025

Innovation and Ideas Award Winner 2024
Congratulations to the Neuro-Champions…
ADHD Babes has created an open safe space for Black ADHD women & non-binary people where they can relax, express themselves & be creative without judgement or bias. They provide social & community events & do not make clinical diagnosis a pre-requisite of membership which removes a huge barrier for many ADHD women and those from Black and mixed heritage communities. They are dedicated to ensuring members won’t need to code-switch or unmask in order to feel able to be their authentic selves.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers focuses on publishing lived experience works which focus on ND tales, addressing the gap for intersectional voices, with publications such as Black, Brilliant & Dyslexic, Trans & Autistic as well as Autistic & Black. They work flexibly to accommodate their authors, which has proved incredibly healing for a cohort who may not have achieved their potential in formal education. Their materials help flip the narrative & drive it towards something which is wholly owned by the people concerned.
Texthelp created Read&Write with universal design in mind to empower all learning styles. Their tools have already made a significant impact, aiding millions of students, including 15% of US students. However they recognised a gap in support as ND & disabled individuals transition to the workplace. This inspired a revamped version that is tailored for professional environments, incorporating features like Text-to-Speech, Dictation, Screen Masking, & more.
SHL’s Neurodiversity Research Program has set out to make the hiring process & psychometric talent assessments more inclusive & accessible by using more positive, clear and inclusive language & creating space for neurodivergent voices to be heard. They are breaking down barriers to employment & ensuring the inclusion of ALL neurodivergent individuals not just those that fit a particular profile.

Inclusive Technology Award Winner 2023
Congratulations to…
Cubbie is an immersive sensory experience which provides a tailored experience for the Autistic and SEN community, ensuring that their needs are recognised and addressed quickly. The Process starts with a collection of inputs and the creation of bespoke programs (experiences)
through the Expert Cubbie Occupational Team. These are uploaded to the Cubbie Cloud and all Cubbies are networked. Users can access their unique program via a touch pad on the Hub. The Cubbie environment of light, sound, and video then automatically adjusts to each User.