What is Dyslexia?
Whilst most people associate dyslexia with difficulties in literacy, they are not aware that it also comes with many skills. Dyslexic people often display standout strengths in areas such as 3D visual thinking, verbal skills and long term memory.
At Genius Within, we can help to identify and develop the talents that clients may have been taking for granted, whilst helping to find targeted strategies and solutions for the challenges they face at work.
A symptom not a cause
Dyslexia literally means ‘difficulties with words’; however, modern science has discovered that this is a symptom, not a cause. There are lots of neurocognitive functions required for literacy, and there are many reasons why this might be a challenge. Dyslexia affects people in different ways and commonly co-occurs with other neurodiverse conditions.

Helping to find your Genius Within
Our dyslexic clients most commonly ask for help with the following areas:
- Memory
- Organisational skills
- Time management
- Stress
- Spelling
- Reading
We work with our clients to develop a bespoke plan that best matches their needs. This may include strategies on the above areas, or it might include other areas where they feel they need more support to work at their best.
Want to find out more?
Discover the GeniusFinder Pro, the replacment to our previous Genius Screener or have a look at what services we offer.

You may be able to get funding through the Access to Work scheme. If you have funding, you can come straight to us, no matter who is recommended on the referral – it’s your choice! We are approved suppliers UK wide.