
Helping individuals to be at their best through one-to-one, group and joint leadership coaching

We have a team of over 200 qualified employment coaches who are available to deliver coaching across the UK. Sessions can be one-to-one or in small peer groups. For individuals in employment we try to involve line managers in helping set goals, so that we know the difference will improve job sustainability.

We are experts in supporting neurominorities and the sessions will be led by the needs of the individual. Typical topics of interest include areas such as time management, memory and organisation. We don’t ‘teach’, we ask questions, encourage practice of strategies and help identify things that are working well.  Every coaching program is specific to the individual.

Types of coaching we offer

two people having one on one neurodiversity coaching from Genius Within

One-to-One coaching

Coaching is about finding practical solutions to difficulties and recognising how to play to existing strengths. For example, if we discover that memory works best for meaningful events, we will practise ways to associate boring things with meaningful events, to remember them. Coaching is also about working with stress levels, knowing how to change habits to be in the best state possible and identifying longer term goals to help find motivation. Clients are expected to try new things and practise in between sessions.
It isn’t always easy but it does work.

Book your coaching sesssion here

Group of people completing neurodivergent coaching session from Genius Within

Group coaching

We have found that coaching delivered in groups works really well as participants can learn from each other about what strategies work, and develop a support network of likeminded peers. We deliver a range of group interventions across our service areas but our most popular is “Memory Genius”. This is a series of six 3-hour sessions delivered by psychologists and experienced workplace coaches which can be delivered face-to-face or virtually. Memory Genius can also be extended if the organiser would like to include the ILM Level 2 Leadership and Team Skills Award or Certificate.

Find out more about group coaching

three people in a Genius Within co-coaching session


Co-coaching is a service we developed for employees and employers who need support to understand where performance is going wrong and how they can work together. We often find that managers want to help, but aren’t sure where the boundary is between a neurodivergent need that must be accommodated and a performance issue that must be addressed. In co-coaching, we systematically break down the issues and tasks into clear, measurable outcomes and address them with specific strategies that both employee and line manager agree upon. This process is particularly useful for addressing historical conflicts and working with employees who find it hard to communicate.

Contact us about our co-coaching here

two people conducting Genius Within Leadership Neurodiversity coaching

Leadership coaching

Leadership coaching is a proactive way to help senior leaders and line managers support all of their employees but it is especially useful when working with neurominorities. Many employees are offered reasonable adjustments in the form of one-to-one workplace strategy coaching. However, senior leaders and managers are often left out of this process and are not advised how they can support their employees, though they usually want to help. The aim of this coaching is to upskill those who are managing neurodivergent employees. Rather than a general awareness training, leadership coaching is specific to the conditions and individuals that report in to them and can help devise strategies for managing performance.

Talk to us about your leadership coaching needs

Bar of the four Genius Within brand colours

Book your coaching session

To find our more, or book your coaching session, please complete the form below.

New! Neurodiversity Coaching book available now

Authored by Genius Within Founder and Chief Science Officer, Dr Nancy Doyle, and her academic best buddy Professor Almuth McDowall. Both authors are neurodivergent themselves and have been researching and writing on the subject of neurodiversity coaching for many years. Having decided it was finally time to put all of their wisdom into a book, they now have!

Read more about Nancy and Almuth’s book launch here.

Neurodiversity Coaching. A psychological approach to supporting neurodivergent talen and career potential book cover. By Nancy Doyle and Almuth McDowall

What our clients say…

I now have a better understanding and have the tools to further my development and career. (My coach) was really understanding and took time to explain concepts and methods for developing or building on the strengths that I already have. I found the training and support very helpful; I learnt a lot about myself and useful mechanisms to help me reach my full potential.

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