Wes Wade: USA Only
PhD in Candidate, ELPHD, Counseling & Counselor Education, MA in Career Counseling and MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Wesley has a background in business, higher education, mental health, and substance use work. While working as a career coach at a land grant university in the U.S., Wesley co-created and led a career-focused program for autistic students, led 3 statewide career summits for autistic students, and served on planning committees for state-government programs offering paid internships for autistic college students. Wesley is a trained coach, a licensed clinical mental health counselor, a licensed clinical addictions specialist, and a Ph.D. candidate at NC State University in Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development with a concentration in Counseling and Counselor Education.
Wes is a proud ADHDer and (likely) dyslexic who was diagnosed in adulthood. He is also a staunch and firm advocate for centring intersectionality in neurodiversity work and research.
PhD in Candidate, ELPHD, Counselling & Counsellor Education
MA in Career Counselling
MA in Clinical Mental Health Counselling
Licensed clinical mental health counsellor (LCMHC)
Licensed clinical addictions specialist (LCAS)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counsellor (CCMHC)
National Certified Counsellor (NCC)
Member of the American Counselling Association
Member of the National Career Development Association