Nancy Procter
Nancy Proctor is a professionally qualified workplace coaching with a Diplomas in Coaching Psychology, Core Transformation and NLP and training with the Association for Coaching. Nancy has been coaching for many years across a variety of disciplines not just the workplace but also in health and fitness, where the motivational and habit forming practices are a significant cross over.
Nancy is inspired to work with neurodivergent clients through the lived experiences in her family of neurodivergence. In particular, she is inspired by her children, who are young neurodivergent adults emerging into the world of work, experiencing the hopes and opportunity of an emerging career path, but also the barriers and challenges. Nancy seeks to contribute to a more inclusive society where neurodivergent people can thrive and have work which is a pleasure, rewarding and inclusive.
Nancy has multi-disciplinary experience in employment before training in coaching. She has worked in the property and real estate sectors, PR, graphic design, entertainment and healthcare.
When Nancy is coaching at her best she is like a goose in the sky at the front of the V – leading the way but ready and waiting to drop back and let others take the lead and shine their amazing light.
Association for Coaching qualified in Psychological approach to Coaching diploma
NLP Practitioner Diploma
Core Transformation Coach Diploma
ILM Enhanced Performance Strategies for Neuro-Differences in the Workplace