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Profile picture of Marguerite Farmer, smiling at camera, wearing a blue top.

Marguerite Farmer

MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology

Marguerite is an experienced coach who enjoys helping people uncover and make best use of their strengths and talents to build effective strategies and increase self-confidence. Previously in school senior leadership, she now coaches leaders across a variety of industries.

Marguerite has a flexible approach to her coaching, adapting how she works to her clients’ preferred ways of thinking. If they think best whilst moving around, drawing on large sheets of paper or jotting ideas on post-its; then that can happen.

Marguerite’s clients say that she is calm, friendly and creates an environment where thinking time and reflection come naturally.

Marguerite has been a professional coach since 2015. Prior to that, Marguerite had several years of experience coaching staff as a senior leader in education. She is now coaching leaders in finance, government, health and technology and has over 1000 coaching hours.

Marguerite has coached with Genius Within since April 2019.


MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology

Accredited at Senior Practitioner level with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC)

ILM Endorsement in Enhanced Performance Strategies for Neuro-Differences in the Workplace

Personal Performance Coaching Diploma

PG Cert. National Award for SEN Coordination

Bachelor of Education (BEd)

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