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Profile picture of Ermine Benjamin, smiling at camera, wearing yellow, with hands together under chin.

Ermine Benjamin

Ermine is also a teacher and she has been teaching dyslexic children for many years. When she is working with them, she uses her active listening skills to really hear what they are saying and adjust her teaching style according to their learning styles. Ermine also worked with individuals from the health and finance sector as well as education.

What Ermine likes about coaching is supporting people to move towards their goals, seeing those special moments when people get an insight that helps them to move forward in their journey and giving people the opportunity to set their own agendas. But most importantly, it’s the forward focus where clients are not dwelling on the past where things have gone wrong, they focus on their strengths to move forward.

When Ermine is coaching at her best she gives her clients her undivided attention, she is an active listener, asks questions that will encourage them to look more deeply at the issues they are discussing, feedbacks on what she has heard so she is sure of her understanding and they are reassured that they are being heard.

Ermine has got a coaching certificate from Henley Business School and a postgraduate certificate in Education, Leadership and Consultancies. An integral part of her postgraduate degree was to understand how organisations work, manage change and support individuals and businesses to become more effective.


BSc in Psychology


Graduate Certificate in Education Leadership and Consultancy

Professional Certificate in Coaching

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