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Aishwarya Srinivasan Coach

Bansri Dodhia

Bansri is passionate about helping people to bring their unique selves forward in all their interactions. She works in partnership with clients to discover their hidden strengths and talents and maximise these to achieve their full potential. Bansri helps clients to dig deeper to work on breaking down barriers that are often stopping them from taking action.

Her background is in Learning and Development, as well as being an ICF Coach. She helps individuals develop or improve their communication and have increased self-awareness and self-confidence with (or without) their neurodivergent traits. Bansri has worked across Professional Services, the NHS, and the Public Sector.

Bansri works with many senior leaders, managers and individuals from corporate to public service organisations such as educational establishments and the NHS. She has worked with volunteers, supporting within specialist education areas. 

Bansri has over 30 years of Learning and Development experience and recently attained her coaching accreditation. 


Member of Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (MCIPD)

Member of International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Montessori Diploma

Virtual Coaching Booking Request

Coach Booking Form - No Payment

Booking Details

Please note if your preferred chosen coach is unavailable, the Client Services Team will contact you to discuss options to support you. 

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