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Light purple background with image of Helen Doyle, with a green cardigan and black t-shirt on, smiling at the camera

Helen Doyle

Community Manager

Helen’s role is to be the voice of Genius Within on social media and sometimes in copy, for example, articles or website blogs. She also plans and designs content for our social media channels and helps to run the Celebrating Neurodiversity Awards every year. Helen absolutely loves connecting with our followers and collaborators on different social media platforms and being connected to the wider ND community. She also loves being creative with her team and developing new ideas.

Helen is proudly neurodivergent and also a parent to an ND child with high support needs. She had a difficult time staying in jobs when she was younger because she had not had the opportunity to understand her neurotype properly or learned to advocate for herself. Now Helen has a job that plays to her strengths and allows her the flexibility to have a work-life balance as she home-educates her daughter.

What 3 words would Helen use to describe Genius Within?

Dedicated, authentic and inclusive.

What is Helen’s favourite way to relax and unwind after a day’s work?

Helen’s favourite ways to unwind would be cooking interesting meals, walking in the hills with her dog Sausage, and watching movies with her family. She has also recently discovered a class called Glo-robics where she gets to exercise with glow sticks to 90’s dance anthems!

What is Helen’s Inner Genius?

Connection and communication

Get a sneak peak of what we're sharing at Health & Wellbeing @Work 11-12th March!