
Confidence-building, practical, empowering support to help you achieve your career potential

Helping you to be at your best, more of the time

At Genius Within we are experts in supporting neurodiverse/neurodivergent thinkers to work at their best. If you are experiencing challenges in your job, whilst studying or are trying to land your dream role, then our qualified occupational psychologists and coaches can help.

Would you like to be more organised? Improve your memory? Communicate better? Our feedback shows that after only four coaching sessions our clients benefit from a 61.6% improvement in workplace performance as rated by both clients and their line managers.

As a company we understand better than most that neurodiversity and disability can be an asset; 43% of our employees identifying as neurodiverse and 60% as disabled. Wanting to offer an alternative to approaches that focus too heavily on your challenges, we have pioneered a process to give you the opportunity to discover your key strengths and unlock your inner genius.

0 15%

of autistic people are unemployed

0 28%

of long-term unemployed people are dyslexic

0 95%

of our workplace clients retain employment

How can Genius Within help you?

What our clients say…

“Jason really helped me with various different strategies to work better with my dyslexia and mental health. In particular with stress levels and productivity. He made me realise that I had a lot to offer my employer, and also that we all have some difficulties and should not feel ashamed to ask for help. Jason helped me to understand that some of my concerns were due to me being tired or stressed, so he showed me ways to alleviate this.”

Anonymous Client

The latest from Genius Within

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